Friday, September 7, 2007

Are you suffering kidney disease ???

Do you know that Nephritis (inflammation of the nephrons or filtering units of the kidneys) and Bright’s diseases are terms commonly used to designate kidney diseases?
You can indicate some factors that cause disturbances in kidney function are infections, poisoning (mercury or lead for example), toxin affect of widespread of body burns, toxemias associated with pregnancy, and tumors.
You can prevent kidney diseases which you realize that diet proper, adequate rest, and control of inflections in the body are important a both preventing and treating kidney diseases. In addition, you should avoid self-medication with drug advertised as increasing the amount of urine. Such diuretic substances can be dangerous in some kidney disorders and should be used only when prescribed by a physician
You can detect symptoms of kidney malfunction like the passage of excessive or in adequate amount of urine, blood in the urine, backache in some instance, or puffiness of body tissues may indicate that kidney function is impaired. So, visit a physician.

(taken from health for effective living by johns Sutton webster)


Stroke may cause death immediately or it may be so mild as to escape detection. Stroke and apoplexy are terms commonly used to indicate cerebral hemorrhage. The extent of the damage depends upon the amount of bleeding and the area of the brain involved.
Do you know that the extent of the damage depends upon the amount of the bleeding and the are of the brain involved. Sometimes individuals with arteriosclerosis and hypertension are more susceptible to strokes and may suffer a series of them over a period of years.
If you know that the paralysis of facial, arms, or leg muscles on one side of the body is frequent result of stroke. Pressure on the brain due to hemorrhage or damage to the nerve cells causes paralysis. If the damage of the brain tissue is slight and the blood is gradually reabsorbed, permanent damage might be slight. When brain cells are destroyed, they do not regenerate and the paralysis is permanent. In addition, personality changes sometime result from the damage to an area of the brain

Let's talk about cancers

Common site of cancers in our body:
Cancers of the skin
Cancers of the lung
Cancers of the digestive tract
Cancers of the breast
Cancers of the female genital organ
Cancers of the male genitourinary

Every people know that cancers cause the death, because they late in detection and treatment in by a physical.
Cancers is a name used for a group a disease, which have the common characteristic of abnormal cell growth.
You know what are malignant neoplasms and malignant tumors; they are other terms used to designate this abnormal growth. Therefore, how can we prevent they to growth. Don’t be afraid!
You know that “neoplasms” or “tumors” mean a new growth. “Malignant” defines as being harmful.
Cancers of the skin
If you have moles or skin blemishes that increase in size or undergo changes any time, a physician should examine you. Self-treatment or treatment by a quack is dangerous because if you delay in correct diagnosis and the mole become to be malignant. Not every mole become cancerous, but the type of the mole most apt to develop into a malignant tumor is dark brown or bluish black and slightly raised. This type of mole, if irritated by a clothing, you may show sign of grow after being dormant for years.
If you have any skin sore or lesion that resists normal healing and persists longer than usual, you should be referred to a physician. It is one of the best resolutions before you delay to know.
Cancers of the lung
How can you prevent cancers of the lung is?
Don’t smoke. It is the best qualify to prevent cancers of the lungs. If you see, people have a persistent in cough, persistent hoarseness, coughing of blood and obscure chest pain. It is the indication that the people get cancers, but can not. You must be careful try to go to a physician, and examine that you suffer cancers of lung or not.
Cancers of the digestive tract
This cancer is very serious cancer because it is difficult to detection early stages. Therefore, this cancer causes many deaths.
If you see people with symptom: Difficult in swallowing food, persistent in indigestion or a vague un easiness after eating, persistent change in bowel habit, toward either diarrhea or constipation., body discharge from the anal opening or black or tarry stools. Bleeding from anal opening can be caused hemorrhoids. You can visit the physician and regular medical examinations are essential for early detection on malignant.
Cancers of the breast
Do you know that single women have higher death rate from breast cancer than do married women. In other time, cancer of the breast frequently is associated with the menopause.
If you see people with the symptoms like the lump is painless in most cases, at least in the early stages of growth. Most lump of the breast is not cancerous, but a physician should examine it. You can detect other symptoms as if you indicate the presence of a malignant condition are alteration in shape in the breast, elevation or retraction of the nipple, puckering of the skin, bleeding or discharge from the nipple or a swollen lymph node or gland in the armpit.
Cancers of the female genital organ
Don’t be afraid. If you indicate many sign like irregular or abnormal bleeding from vagina. However, in many cases, such as bleeding does not occur until the growth is in its advanced stages. Therefore, it is important for a woman, particularly from about thirty-five year of age on, to have regular examinations.
Cancers of the male genitourinary
If you want to know about cancers of the male genitourinary, it happens approximately 20% all cases in men when it is past fifty-five years of age. Moreover, it develops cancer or prostate but that most cases remain symptom less and unrecognized.
We can indicate with the presence of blood in urine. In addition, any change in normal habit of urination is reason of consulting a physician.
If you know about leukemia, there are most cases of leukemia are a great excess of white blood cells; count up to 800,000 per cubic centimeter instead of a normal 5,000 to 10,000 are not uncommon. In some cases, there is no increase, and in some cases, there may be decrease. One index of the present of the presence of leukemia, however is not the number of white cells but the proportion of immature cells, which can be detected readily by microscopic examination.
Leukemia may be acute, as it is most commonly in younger persons. On the other hand, it may be slow in developing and producing symptoms. Chronic myeloid leukemia occurs after the age of twenty-five, and chronic lymphatic leukemia occur later in life. In any case, there is no known cure, although patient with chronic lymphatic leukemia have survive ten until twenty years. Palliative drugs have offered some hope by delaying the effects of leukemia. Among the substance being used are steroid hormones (ACTH), antimetabolites (substance similar to those required for cells metabolism but having metabolic effect), and cytotoxic substance (damaging to all cells but more damaging to leukemia cells). With extensive research being conducted, it is likely that many patients now being kept alive by palliative measure will someday be cured.