Friday, September 7, 2007


Stroke may cause death immediately or it may be so mild as to escape detection. Stroke and apoplexy are terms commonly used to indicate cerebral hemorrhage. The extent of the damage depends upon the amount of bleeding and the area of the brain involved.
Do you know that the extent of the damage depends upon the amount of the bleeding and the are of the brain involved. Sometimes individuals with arteriosclerosis and hypertension are more susceptible to strokes and may suffer a series of them over a period of years.
If you know that the paralysis of facial, arms, or leg muscles on one side of the body is frequent result of stroke. Pressure on the brain due to hemorrhage or damage to the nerve cells causes paralysis. If the damage of the brain tissue is slight and the blood is gradually reabsorbed, permanent damage might be slight. When brain cells are destroyed, they do not regenerate and the paralysis is permanent. In addition, personality changes sometime result from the damage to an area of the brain

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